KABK Exposed

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On Saturday, June 10, 3rd year Fashion students from the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague | The Royal Academy of Art (KABK) presented her work through a video during Exposed / the Fashion Show.

Director: Colina van Bemmel
Creative Directions: Steven Dahlberg
Cinematography: Guido Vrouwe

Colourfool Agency
makeup: Melanie Foeh
Hair: Angelina ‘t Hart

Elke Cloin
– Gillian Bolton
– Simon Veldkamp

Peter Wertmann
– Viktor Dimar
– Sõna Pichňocá

Bessel Bijtelaar
– Sem Verwey
– Kevin Barkmeijer
– Vivienne Wolters
– Asli Nur Mahmutoglu

Wassim El Hodayebi
– Asira Wiegers
– Densley Annastatia
– Wassim El Hodayebi

Siyu Zhang
– Mads Rosairus
– Janek Ryt

Sophia Bogstedt
– Cherry Kim

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