Mag Inspiration Day

For Magazine Media Association(MMA), I designed the logo for the first Mag Inspiration Day
held at B.Amsterdam on November 2, 2018.

MAG inspiration DAY payoff

Additional info: Spend a whole day catching up on the latest trends in magazines, come and network and be inspired by top national and international speakers: our guests include Adam Moss of New York Magazine, Rob Alderson of WeTransfer, Edel Rodriguez of TIME magazine, Melvin Captein of NOS op 3 and Bastiaan van Schaik of .
The day will be guided by Amber Kortzorg.

Mag Inspiration Day is an initiative of the Magazine Media Associatie(MMA) and the Dutch Association of Journalists(NVJ).
This unique collaboration was created to give you as a media professional the opportunity to gain knowledge and inspiration about your wonderful profession for one day.

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